Aaron Toponce wrote:
> I have an "easter egg", if you will, in the header of my mail. I have two
> headers that I am adding: "Crypto-Challenge" and "Crypto-Hint". It's all
> for fun and games.
> However, in my muttrc(5), I am wrapping each line (It's rather lengthy
> otherwise) and preceding the newline with a <tab> character. It shows up
> fine when I compose my mail, but when saving, Mutt converts the <tab> to a
> <space> (as you can see in the headers of this mail).
> For those who don't want to examine the mail headers, here are two
> pastebins of what I'm talking about. This: http://ae7.st/p/42a turns into
> this: http://ae7.st/p/5f8.
> I guess it doesn't really matter, except when viewing headers, other line
> wrapping is preceded by a <tab>, and Mutt displays it accordingly. So, why
> is Mutt converting my <tab> ta a <space>?

I would think that it doesn't actually matter whether mutt does this or
not, since any intervening MTAs are free to do this as they want. As
long as the result is valid RFC822, header whitespace may be changed or
whatever. Only the values are significant.

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