On 09Jul2012 17:12, Jack M <j...@forallx.net> wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote on 07/09/12 at 08:41:26 +1000:
| > It does sound that way. Is it associated with particular target addresses?
| > That would involve particular mail systems in the transport.
| The phenomenon hasn't yet happened enough for me to detect a pattern, although
| the instance that made me start this thread was a message I sent to a
| googlegroups mailing list; it was fine when I sent it, but when the list sent
| me a copy, it was QP-encoded.

I can easily imagine google groups and other list processors wanting
this to maximise readability (well, robust intact delivery) for end users.
Of course, it has done the opposite for you:-)

| It turns out that there was no bogus QP encoding, at least not in the sense of
| 'bogus' that would mean "they attemtped to QP-encode it but screwed it up in
| the process".  I had earlier reported that the message in question was utf8
| that was (unexpectedly) QP-encoded, but reported by the headers as being
| latin1.  I was wrong about this; the headers did say utf8 after all.  This
| whole half of my problem was due to my QP-decoding apparatus in Vim not being
| able to handle multibyte.

Is that fixable? It sounds like you are receiving legitimate email then,
but your tools are letting you down. In which case another sender can as
easily send you difficult email.

| No, not yet anyway.  If I eventually can, I'll try your suggestion of forcing
| mutt to emit utf-7; I presume that's what $send_charset is for.

Presumably; I've never experimented with it.
Actually, utf-7 and utf-8 are encodings of the Unicode charset, not charsets 
But for a mail system (and mutt I expect) they are probably considered a
charset, with QP et al being encodings. Fun fun fun.

But that will still only help for messages you yourself send; improving
VIM's behaviour should help with all messages undergoing this

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

It's not that perl programmers are idiots, it's that the language rewards
idiotic behavior in a way that no other language or tool has ever done.
- Erik Naggum

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