also sprach Cameron Simpson <> [2012.08.16.2359 +0200]:
> I have a not very complex script; it uses the mutt tree as reference and
> makes symlinks for dovecot:

Mine (currently offline, so I cannot attach) does three things more:

  1. checks for new folders in both directions, so that if I create
     a new folder with mutt, it gets migrated to the IMAP hierarchy
     and symlinked back to mutt;

  2. checks for removed folders and removes them in both

  3. if .debian/ is a folder and .debian.mutt another, then debian
     itself won't be symlinked, but only cur,new,tmp will. Otherwise
     this would cause symlinks to be stored in a symlinked
     directory, meaning they would end up in the wrong hierarchy.

So yeah, it works, but I wanted to know if there is a better way.

  - IMAP to localhost is okay if configured properly, but it does
    need a password that either needs to be entered on every start
    of mutt, or stored somewhere. Also, tab-completion of folders
    doesn't quite work as expected.

  - Andre suggested to use

       mail_location = maildir:%h/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs

    in dovecot, which I have yet to try. If this does what a web
    search suggests, then it will make dovecot use mutt's hierarchy
    instead of the standard IMAP-hierarchy, and that would solve my
    problem, I think:

martin | |
"the college students who are using lsd and marijuana today do not
 comprise a criminal class. they are not drug addicts seeking to
 escape. they're your best educated, your most creative, and your
 most couragious, young people. and like it or not, they might build
 you a new civilisation."               -- porcupine tree, voyage 34

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