On 2012-11-24, Derek Martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
> But how will the client decide what to monospace, and what not to?
> There is no discerning factor... in both cases you just have lines
> of text which are terminated by a newline.

The number of consecutive newlines distinguishes the two.  Two
newlines marks the end of a paragraph, and one newline marks the end
of monospaced text.

>From there, the only ambiguity would be the last line of the message
and cases where a blank line follows a monospaced line.  The former
could be resolved by treating the last line like the penultimate line
(requiring an extra EOL if the last line actually differed from the
penultimate line).  The blank line following the monospace line could
be done by simply introducing a whitespace character, or just imposing
a blank line after all monospaced regions.  It would be quite trivial
to render this sensibly without a lot of complex logic.

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