On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 01:17:22PM -0600, fREW Schmidt wrote:
> > If you're using startx to start your X session, it's recommended
> > to add the locale setting to ~/.xinitrc so it's in the environment
> > already before opening any terminals, etc. I guess it wouldn't hurt to
> > put it in ~/.xsession either, if you're using a display manager to start
> > your X session. As you're using Ubuntu, I guess you are.
> You are correct, I am using a display manager.  The env vars are
> certainly not set for the entire X session

They really need to be.  Otherwise any program that's started by, say,
your window manager's menus will actually be started using your
system's default locale, rather than the one you configured (though to
be fair, this is somewhat system-dependent... it's possible your X
window system may include the user's environment files, and IMO it
always should, for exactly this reason).

For instance, if you're using xterm from a window manager widget, and
the locale it was started with does not match the locale you're using,
you are fairly certain to encounter problems.  If your system's
default locale is "C" and you're actually using something.utf8, xterm
will be expecting characters uniformly of 8 bits, but will be fed
variable-width characters, and will misinterpret them.  You mostly
won't notice if you're an English speaker and only using letters and
numbers and common punctuation, but once you get outside that you'll
start noticing wierd things.

> >  with linux, you should be able to set LANG=whatever;
> Done.

LANG is, IIRC, part of the posix standard for internationalization, so
it should be available pretty much everywhere.  The LC_* variables
inherit the value of LANG if you do not explicitly set them, so in
general this is all you should ever need to set.  Though, some oddball
systems may differ (but all Linux distros work this way).

> >  check your shell's documentation with regards to locales

It's not likely to actually be a function of the shell, except
inasmuch as the shell propagates environment variables.  It's really
more a function of the libc on the system.  There's usually a man page
for this in section 7, i.e.:

  $ man 7 locale

> So I'm out of ideas and suggestions :/  The only thing I can think of
> at this point is that I compiled mutt myself, but I just looked at the
> configure opts and it doesn't look like I could have accidentally
> disabled utf8 support.

I missed the start of the thread, so I don't know if this was covered.
UTF-8 requires wide character support.  On older distros, you only got
this if you installed ncursesw (and ncursesw-dev(el)), though it seems
like more recent distros are only providing the wide version (as
ncurses, sans the 'w').  So that could be an issue.  If your distro
has no ncursesw* packages, then it probably is NOT the problem.  If
you haven't already included it, the output of mutt -v may be helpful.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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