Now just a cotton picking minute...
> HTML email is sent exclusively by three groups of people:
> 1. Ignorant newbies
> 2. Ineducable morons
> 3. Spammers
> There are no exceptions.  It thus, to Jim's point, an excellent
> anti-spam/anti-stupidity technique to refuse all such traffic
> at the MTA.
> ---rsk

Ignorant newbies may at some point become the Michael Elkins of the
future.  Back in the day when I was an "ignorant newbie", I came to this 
list for help.  I got a little help and plenty of "ignorant newbie" 
attitude.  We could do with a little less of that attitude in all 
endeavors and a little more "hand holding".

Not all of us are IT professionals.  Some of us are blacksmiths, gun
salesmen, truck drivers, and even ecdysiasts.

"No exceptions"?  Really?  I seem to get quite a bit of HTML formatted
email from friends, family, and business associates.  Also, some of the
lists I subscribe to come in HTML.

If you can't figure out a better method of dealing with spam than to
filter out HTML messages, perhaps there is another "ignorant newbie" you
neglected to consider.

I appologize ahead of time for this rant, but you see, I know what a DOS
window is and I guess I'm getting ornery in my old age.

Dale the Ornery Old Goat

"Think nobody intercepts email?  Think again!  Gnu Privacy Guard.  Not
just for spies."

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