Incoming from Jamie Paul Griffin:
> * s. keeling <> [2013-01-02 10:26:23 -0700]:
> > Hi.  Long time.  :-)
> > 
> >    User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15) # Debian testing/wheezy.
> > 
> > Background, I used mutt for years locally, dumping mail into ~/Mail
> > via POP.  Now, I've recently discovered that my ISP allows me IMAP
> > access, so I'm trying to resurrect my old mutt config.  The problem
> > is, I can't seem to get rid of mutt's belief that mail here's based
> > around ~/Mail (mbox) instead of my new plan, ~/mail (maildir).

First, thanks to all who've replied.  I've been fiddling with your
replies all day trying to get it to sink in.  Your help's appreciated.

> What is the setting for $spoolfile and also for the $MAIL environment
> variable?

    set spoolfile="/home/keeling/mail/Inbox"

$MAIL is empty (not set).

... and it's entirely possible that I don't know what I'm doing there.
I'm very new to IMAP (never used it before).  spoolfile used to be
"/var/mail/keeling" when I POPped mail from my ISP (and then procmail
picked it up ...).  When I login to ISP's webmail, all I can tell is
"";.  I'm using OfflineIMAP -->
~/mail, so ...

Damn, I feel like a noob.  :-|  Creeping senility.  Still, mutt works
great and I don't have to stomach webmail mangling my mail into
ugliness.  Cheers.  :-)  Have fun.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
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