On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 03:21:51PM +0100, Marco wrote:
> On 2013–01–23 Paul Hoffman wrote:
> > After a mail client retrieves a message from a server using POP, the 
> > server typically deletes its copy of the message.
> That's new to me. Messages are retrieved with RETR. This command
> only copies the message to the local machine. To delete a message
> the command DELE is used. A server which deletes messages on a RETR
> can be considered broken.

I've seen one that does this. And it only gave 100 messages at a time,
so if you wanted more, you had to reconnect. I migrated them to a better
mail server though, but the migration process was done via POP. Probably
the scariest 30 minutes of my life knowing full well that if my script
didn't work I just deleted ALL of their mail, irrecoverably.


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