Here's the typical pattern:

MUA -> [MSA] -> MTA -> [.. more MTAs] -> LDA -> [Mailbox Store] -> MUA

Things in [brackets] may not be used, or may take altered forms in a
specific configuration.

MUA - Mail User Agent. Examples: mutt, thunderbird, webmail

MSA - Mail Submission Agent.  This function could be built into the MUA,
or built into an MTA, or it might be a separate queuing system.  Most
MTAs expose a submission interface that may or may not offer separate
features from their MTA interface.  Examples: SMTP service, pipe to
/usr/lib/sendmail, pipe to msmtp, etc.

MTA - Mail Transport Agent.  The primary role of an MTA is to exchange
mail around the internet.  An MTA may be colocated with a user agent
or a delivery facility such as IMAP, but it might not.  Sometimes mail
moves through many MTAs on its way to a destination, but this is less
common than it used to me.  Most mail today encounters two MTAs: one
that is colocated with the sender's submission agent, and one that
triggers local delivery for the recipient.

LDA - Local Delivery Agent.  An LDA is responsible for handling the
disposition of the mail at a destination.  An MTA determines that it is
a final destination (based on arbitrarily complex rules, but often just
a hostname list for which it's responsible).  Then it hands the mail
to an LDA and awaits the LDA's assertion that delivery was performed.
Procmail can be used as an LDA, but there are others.  An LDA might
delivery to a spool file where an MUA can retrieve it, or it might
deposit the mail into a message store such as an IMAP server.

Mailbox Store.  Not all recipients use this, of course, but many do.

To answer your question finally: An MUA (such as mutt) never
interacts directly with an LDA.  It either retrieves messages from a
mutually-agreed location (e.g. /var/mail/username) or it contacts a
message store (e.g. an IMAP server).

* On 25 Jan 2013, horseriver wrote: 
> hi:
>   Would mutt call default mail delivery agent when startup?
> thanks!

David Champion •

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