Incoming from Derek Martin:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 02:29:46AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> > Why, when supplying 'LDFLAGS=-static' do these change
> > from yes, to no?
> > 
> > < checking for idna_to_unicode_8z8z... yes
> > > checking for idna_to_unicode_8z8z... no
> > 
> > < checking for idna_to_ascii_8z... yes
> > < checking for idna_to_ascii_lz... yes
> > > checking for idna_to_ascii_8z... no
> > > checking for idna_to_ascii_lz... no
> I can only guess, but my guess is there's no static version of those
> libraries to compile against.

Or, they haven't yet been recognized by the system via ldconfig?

Edit /etc/ (or whatever) && ldconfig.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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