Incoming from Chris Green:
>     If you want to create an alias for more than one address, you must
>     separate the addresses with a comma (“,”). 
> Er, but that disagrees with the Usage: doesn't it? It should (the
> Usage:) say "alias [ -group name ...] key address [, address ...]".

I've not looked at the manual section in a long time, but I can say
(addys obfuscated):

   alias dk      Derek Keeling              <>
   alias ek      Elizabeth Keeling          <>
   alias mom     "Mary & Lawrence"          <>
   alias family dk,ek,mom

email to "family" goes to all of them.

> It also doesn't seem to show one of the very useful attributes of
> aliases, they can refer to other aliases defined already.

Ibid.  Or did I completely miss your point?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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