On 2013-05-08, Erik Christiansen wrote:

> If you always have a spare xterm or two open, then it is quick to bring
> one to the foreground, whack in a quick egrep invocation, and pipe
> its output to "more", or redirect it to a file, e.g:
> egrep -n 'line *number' /usr/local/src/vim73/runtime/doc/* > /tmp/vim
> Here I had become impatient with "helpgrep" in vim taking too long to
> step (via successive :cnext) to what I was hoping to find. That egrep
> invocation put all matches into /tmp/vim, which I opened with vim, then
> did a "gf" (go file) on the filename preceding the matching text on the
> most promising line I could see. If no good, Ctrl-^ whips us back to
> the egrep-generated file index, and we "gf" on the next likely
> candidate. Pretty much any text in the filesystem succumbs rather
> quickly to such searching.)

You might find this script, which I've named vimgrep, useful.



    cat > $tmp
    exec < /dev/tty
    vim --cmd 'let &efm=&gfm' -q $tmp "$@"
    rm $tmp

It's invoked like this:

    grep -Hn <whatever other options and files you want> | vimgrep

All the lines that grep finds will be fed to vim as a quickfix list,
which you can traverse with :cn, :cp, etc., or browse with :copen.

I have mapped <C-N> to :cn and <C-P> to :cp so that I can traverse
the quickfix list more easily.


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