Hi Óscar!

On So, 28 Jul 2013, Óscar Pereira wrote:

> Dear all,
> Is there a way to toggle the output from gpg, when viewing signed
> and/or encrypted messages? In particular, I'm referring to the
> information about the key(s), which can be quite verbose...
> Could this be done with some scripting (i.e. without hacking the
> source code?)

look into the display_filter setting and possibly also t-prot 
(http://www.escape.de/~tolot/mutt/) which can be used as display filter 
for mutt and I think, it does some gpg cleaning (I am not sure, it's too 
long ago, that I used it).

Absolutum obsoletum.  (If it works, it's out of date.)
                -- Stafford Beer

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