++ 07/12/13 13:53 -0700 - Chris Down:
>> This patch was originaly written by Dale Woolridge for mutt versions 
>> 1.5.3 to 1.5.6. Dale Woolridge didn't mention the license under which he 
>> released his patch to the public. I have taken the liberty to release 
>> this patch under a GPLv2 license.
>That's not even close to how copyright works (q.v. Berne Convention). Go
>ask the copyright holder what license it is under, or don't do anything
>at all.

No, I know about that. The repository no longer exists.

Not to justify my behaviour, just an explanation:

 - I have made several attempts to contact Dave before (on the 
   availability of updated patched, not the license), but to no 
 - As, I presume, he has made his patches available to the general 
   public with the intention to help others with a similar problem and, 
   I presume, he has no longer interest in maintaining the patches 
   himself, I assumed he would not have a problem in someone else 
   putting an effort in creating an updated version of his patches. Yes, 
   these are just pre- and assumptions. 

 - For the same reason I presume he has made the earlier version of his 
   patches available to the general public, I wanted to make the updated 
   version available to the general public. I am aware of all the effort
   he (and Remco) has put in it, which is why I credited them.

 - I know how copyright works. Of course. I am aware that there is no 
   room for these afformentioned pre- and assumptions in copyright. So, 
   I just removed the repository from github.com.

Rejo Zenger . <r...@zenger.nl> . 0x21DBEFD4 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
GPG encrypted e-mail preferred . +31.6.39642738 . @rejozenger

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