On k, febr 25, 2014 at 08:25:12 +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 24Feb2014 21:45, LEVAI Daniel <l...@ecentrum.hu> wrote:
> > On h, febr 24, 2014 at 21:32:23 +0100, Timo Schmidt wrote:
> > > See http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#tab-attachment-bindings
> > > in particular:
> > > <view-mailcap>    m       force viewing of attachment using mailcap
> > 
> > Wow, you win.
> > 
> > But this doesn't make sense:
> > 
> > Using these mailcap entries:
> > 
> > text/html; google-chrome %s; nametemplate=%s.html; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
> > text/html; lynx -stdin -dump -force_html; copiousoutput
> > 
> > ... without `auto_view text/html` pressing <Space> on the text/html MIME
> > part it just displays the raw HTML, but with `auto_view text/html` Mutt
> > chooses to use the *last* mailcap entry, and ignore the one before it?!
> The "copiousoutput" flag is the key item here. "needsterminal" is
> for interactive tools and copiusoutput is for tools that mutt expects
> to page for you.
> So all my mailcaps come in pairs: one with copiousoutput for inline viewing
> and the other to open a tool to view the attachment. Example:
>   image/x-png; ah %s -1 xv; gui
>   image/x-png; env DISPLAY= iminfo %s; copiousoutput
> The copiousoutput one is used when showing the image in the message
> view, and just recites some image parameters (size, etc) using my
> "iminfo" script.  The other one is chosen when I just press enter
> (<view-attach>) in the attachments view. "ah" is a helper script
> of my own, but it fires up "xv" to display the image.

Except "the other one" doesn't work. When I press enter in the
attachments view, it either displays raw HTML (which it should not,
without `auto_view text/html`) or uses the copiousoutput mailcap entry
(which it should, with `auto_view text/html`).

My understanding of "view attachment using mailcap entry if necessary"
is that it uses the mailcap entry, when it is present. Which it fails to
do so.
There is a difference between inlining the copiousoutput mailcap entry's
output in the message display, and pressing <Enter> or <Space> on the
mime part in the attachments view. In the latter case, Mutt should use
the mailcap entry, and not just when one forces it to do so, with 'm'.


LÉVAI Dániel
PGP key ID = 0x83B63A8F
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