Indeed, it was a problem of my Vim text editor configuration.
I just need to add the line below to my ~/.vimrc file:
au filetype mail :setlocal fo-=t

On Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:53:33 +0100
Sebastian Tramp <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 02:40:00PM +0100, YuGiOhJCJ Mailing-List wrote:
> > On Mutt 1.5.21, my editor is Vim 7.3.
> > I don't like when it breaks automatically my lines when I am writing an 
> > e-mail.
> Hi, this is rather a vim than a mutt configuration issue.
> try set nowrap in addition to set textwidth=0 in your vimrc or directly while
> you write the mail.
> source:
> Best regards
> Sebastian Tramp
> > Is there a way to disable the text wrapping in Mutt?  (I saw the "wrap"
> > setting in ~/.muttrc that can be set to positive, negative or null value but
> > in these 3 cases, the text wrapping is still enabled)
> -- 
> WebID:

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