On 19.04.14 00:59, Chris Down wrote:
> Erik Christiansen writes:
> > Is it essential to edit received email, or is it enough to just
> > localise the time displayed in the index? 
> Thanks for the suggestion, I already do this. Most of my time is spent
> iterating through e-mails in the pager view, though, so it's not
> ideal. For this reason, at least some kind of filtering is necessary
> for me. :-)

Ahh, then another small tweak is required, to display the needed index
info in the pager view:

set pager_index_lines=6    # Local thread view at top of display.

Not only does that show 5 index lines, ending with that for the
currently paged post, but also the index view status line, so that we
have the maillist name at the top, and poster and subject at the bottom.

The partial index view highlights the currently paged post, and the
local time is displayed without the need to 'i' out and <CR> back in.

Are you still sure that it is necessary to munge mails? ;-)


What on earth would a man do with himself if something did not stand in
his way?                                                   - H.G. Wells

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