On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 09:40:58AM +0100, John Niendorf wrote:

> Having said that, it appears after searching the web that many many
> people have trouble sending mail with a GoDaddy account.
> Specifically, authentication seems to be problematic.

Didn't look at the google reference but the first one has some useful stuff
if you ignore the post itself- the guy is a complete idiot for suggesting
godaddy's dns resolution is broken given that is the whole purpose for
godaddy to exist in the first place.  The suggestion that people find out
the IP of the mail server and use that instead of the name is just totally
ignorant. This is fixing symptoms instead of causes.

If you skip past the beginnin there is some good stuff in the responses. The
users point out there are sometimes bogus settings in the godaddy control panels
for their domains. If Dale got it working through Thunderbird it proves name
resolution is not the issue and theoretically he has all the info he needs
to get mutt to work as far as credentials go...suggesting it is settings,
and nothing else is wrong. Please remove any auth stuff in all copies of
your muttrc that tells the mail server what authentication to use and just
take the defaults. Your userid and password and the mail server name should
be all you need to specify. Mutt works for me on a bunch of mail providers
without any confusion or complications.


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