Havn't been able to send mail through fastmail.fm from mutt for a year,
went through it all on list back in august, nothing worked.
Gave up as don't need to send much, and can just barely manage the
web mail.

Recently looked at the smtp settings and problem again, and notice that
I attempt
to send I get
"connecting to fastmail.fm"
"could not connect to fastmail.fm, connection refused."

Below are I hope appropriate lines from my .muttrc.

Should it not be sending to mail.messagingengine.com?
and if yes, what may be wrong with my configuration?

This is a package installed with debian wheezy
has all the appropriate compile options.
Am I correct that with smtp server specified, I don't need to point at

Sorry with -d3 command line option set, I don't appear to get debug

libsasl2 is installed.
snip from .muttrc

set my_server=mail.messagingengine.com
set my_smtp_server=mail.messagingengine.com
set my_user=wa6iv...@fastmail.fm
set my_pass = "********"

set header_cache=~/.mutt/hcache/fastmail

set imap_user=$my_user
set imap_pass = $my_pass
set smtp_url ="smtps://$my_user:$my_pass@$my_smtp_server:465"

Must be some simple error I'm just overlooking, I hope.

  Tom Fowle

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