On 20.11.14 14:09, Will Fiveash wrote:
> If you are using vim you may want to add vim settings specific to
> editing mail from within mutt to a file like
> ~/.vim/ftplugin/mail/mail-settings.vim.  vim will assign by default
> the filetype "mail" to mutt editor files and look for plugins in
> ~/.vim/ftplugin/mail.  If you do this then you can just set editor=vim
> in your .muttrc.  For more see ":help ftplugins" in a running vim
> session.

That is a good idea. If it seems simpler to just add a line in .vimrc,
on the other hand, then an autocommand can also do such jobs, as in this
one which automates the "[Was: ... ]" editing of a subject line update,
as above:

au BufNewFile,BufRead   ~/Desktop/mutt-*   noremap <A-w> 

Again, "^[" is "Control-V Escape", and "^M" is Control-V Enter".
And mutt defaults to composing in /tmp, not ~/Desktop, unless .muttrc
has something like this, to avoid losing the composition on a wipe of
/tmp on reboot:

set tmpdir="~/Desktop"  # If not in ~/postponed after a crash, look here.

As they say, please don't ask me why I think that's advisable.


Britain had first obtained a commercial Enigma machine back in 1927, by simply
purchasing one in the open in Germany. The machine was analysed and a diagnostic
report written on how it worked.    - 

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