Hi all,

My smime certificate recently expired and I've had to renew it. Now I'm not entirely sure how I should use it. My first attempt was to import it using smime_keys and then updating my smime_default_key entry:
set smime_default_key = '73bb549d.0'
set smime_default_key = '73bb549d.1'

This has the annoying consequence, that i can not open any emails that were encrypted using the old key. Reading man muttrc, I thought that setting 'set smime_decrypt_use_default_key = no' would be the solution. This makes decrypting past emails a very tedious task since it asks me what key to use on every message.

Finally, i tried setting
set smime_default_key = '73bb549d.0 73bb549d.1'
This solution works, but is similarly tedious as the one above.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any documentation that gives me a solution that results in a convenient solution.

Could someone please point out my errors? Any tips are very welcome.

Thank you in advanve,

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