On Mon, Jun 08, 2015 at 12:01:20PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> mutt is GPL.  Apparently there is some license incompatibility between
> GPL and the openssl license which prohibits linking mutt with openssl,
> unless there is an exception for this specific situation.  I have not
> studied the legalities in detail because IANAL, but I see that there is
> a configure option to link with openssl.  Has an appropriate exception
> been granted to mutt, then?

I don't have any specific information, but FWIW, the RHEL packages seem
to link against OpenSSL (based on checking a RHEL5 system and a CentOS 7
system). I do see the EL6 package seems to be linked against gnutls
instead possibly (as does a Debian 5 system I looked at).

As best I can tell, FreeBSD ports also links against OpenSSL, though
maybe the ports process means it's not being distributed (I didn't check
the binary package, but assume it's the same).

I would think that if this was a problem, it would have come up before.


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