On 29Jun2015 20:02, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
Have you tried:

COMMAND /usr/bin/safari %s

(use the correct path for safari on your system)

OSX desktop apps tend not to live in the /usr/bin etc places.

The standard way to bring up a URL (or, indded, most other things) in a desktop app is what the OP recited:

 open URL

which will open the appropriate app for whatever it is.

You can be specific by going:

 open -a safari URL

to hand it to safari.

One thing that can happen if the caller is in something like tmux or screen is that the session can survive a desktop login/logout and one needs to use a special tool to reattach to the current desktop before commands like "open" will work again. But it doesn't sound like that is the OP's problem.

I would suggest to the OP that they change their config to explicitly request safari to see of the behaviour changes:

 open -a safari %s

Also, they could augument their config to see if the command is being fired at all, or being fired incorrectly:

 exec 2>>$HOME/some-logfile.txt; set -x; open -a safari %s

and tail that log file from outside.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

On Monday 29 Jun 2015 19:28:34 russurquha...@verizon.net wrote:
 I tried that and the Safari window opened.

That is what had me puzzled. I think i have everything from my old install.
I recompiled. The only other thing, was i did the ./configure, make and
those worked, but when i tried the make install, it failed trying to write
the man pages to the man directory.

However, urlview got compiled and put in the correct place, and gets called
when i do  a Ctrl + b.

On 06/29/15, David Champion<d...@bikeshed.us> wrote:

* On 29 Jun 2015, russurquha...@verizon.net wrote:
> My urlview file has this line:
> COMMAND open %s

What happens when you open a terminal and type:

open http://www.google.com/


You may need to do something in the OS layer for your preferred handler
for URLs. "open" just taps into that.


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