On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 10:37:05AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> Since I switched to mutt full time a couple of months ago, there were
> times when I missed one feature or another from other agents, but mostly
> I learned to live with the mutt way.
> However, this one keeps getting on my frail nerves.  There seems to be
> no way in vanilla mutt to sort the index view such that the latest
> message appears last, when threading is on.  So when I open a folder
> with a long active thread, I keep landing in the middle of old inactive
> threads.
> A minimal example would be:
>   1   2015-07-01 Mr Foo       Boring subject
>   2   2015-07-02 Miss Bar     Exciting subject
> N 3   2015-07-13 Mr Foo       |-> Re: Exciting subject
>   4   2015-07-03 Mr Foobar    Another boring subject
> I want:
>   1   2015-07-01 Mr Foo       Boring subject
>   2   2015-07-03 Mr Foobar    Another boring subject
>   3   2015-07-02 Miss Bar     Exciting subject
> N 4   2015-07-13 Mr Foo       |-> Re: Exciting subject
> Perhaps there is a patch providing this?  It must have been requested
> before :)

Seems like you're looking for:

set sort     = threads
set sort_aux = last-date-received

(specifically the second line)

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