* Joe <joe.on.l...@gmail.com> [2015-08-25 09:32 -0400]:
2- I'd like to isolate a whole thread from the rest of messages/threads
  opening it in a new clean screen containing just that thread.
  Same behaviour of "tin" newsreader:
  - topics of a newsgroup are listed one per line

So this would be threads collapsed to only show the parent
email... that's doable (AFAIK) with mutt.

  - let's open a topic contains more than one message by typing
    right arrow key

A binding of the right arrow key to uncollapse the thread...

  - tin shows on a new screen the opened topic with all threaded

plus other things (possibly).

  In this screen other topics are hidden (we are in a "menu" that Mutt
  doesn't seem to provide), could call it "thread menu".  - from there
  we can open single articles and then return to the "topic menu".

You may want to check out the thread with the subject, "temporarily
modifying thread display in the index?"  In that thread a macro was
posted [1] that does something similar to what you want.  The goal of
the macro was to view a sub-thread alone on screen without the
surrounding context of the original thread and with the indentation
adjusted as if the sub-thread were the only part of the thread.

While this is not exactly what you want, if you use the macro listed and
select the thread instead of the sub-thread, and chain that with the
uncollapse command bound to the right arrow key, then I believe you'd
have the behavior you want.

[1]: http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=135819127711700

Anyway, that's what struck me when I read your email.  Hope that helps.

dave [ please don't CC me ]

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