Hey there,

I have my mails sorted in mutt in increasing order of date-received,
so the latest are at the bottom, and I don't think I will ever
change that.

I also often use the <limit> function, and after applying a <limit>,
mutt has the first (oldest) message highlighted.

Is it somehow possible to have mutt automatically jump to the bottom
of the index after applying a limit? I can't really use a macro as
the jump would need to be executed after reading the pattern, and
I don't think mutt let's me suspend a macro to readline data from
the user, does it?


@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"i'm hot, and when i'm not, i'm cold as ice"
                                           -- ac/dc, "problem child"
spamtraps: madduck.bo...@madduck.net

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