Hello Peter,

On 2016-02-03 11:52:22 Peter P. hacked into the keyboard:
> I am wondering if there is any way during message composition in mutt to
> specify at which time (eg. 3pm, 10mins later,...) at which an email will
> actually be sent by mutt to the sendmail command? I would like to
> draft emails but have them sent out at a later time automatically.

I hade the need for such function many years ago...

I have installed a cron job which check  all  5 mins  a  maildir  folder
"~/Maildir/.Send_delayed/" and then send the mail according to a special
header "X-Send-delayed:" and  after  success,  the  mails  is  moved  to

It is easy to do and work with Maildir on a file system direct, however,
I use it also on my Courier IMAP server

> Thanks for all ideas!
> Peter

Have a nice day

Michelle Konzack        ITSystems
GNU/Linux Developer     0033-6-61925193

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