I have tried several separators. None have worked. All I can guess is that this 
functionality isn't with how mutt handles maildir format. 
The globing must be part of the native imap support. It must use a glob itself 
to query the remote directories. Thus passing valid wildcards will work. 
Autocompletes off of the results of the glob. 

If that's the case, then it sucks a bit. 

And the issue with reorganisation  was with me. I stupidly forgot to turn off a 
background syncing job as I was changing the settings. 

Matthew Parnell

> On 13 Feb 2016, at 18:07, Andreas Doll <fus...@posteo.de> wrote:
>> On 2016-02-13 at 16:22, Matthew Parnell wrote:
>> I have just tried you suggestion. Other than doing a stupid thing where I
>> now have to reorganise about 2000 messages and many duplicated, it also
>> doesn't work.
> I'm not sure what went wrong. I recall there is an option to use offlineimap
> to sync just remote to local, not vice versa, see the mentioned config
> template for details. Maybe this saves you the reorganization.
>> I cannot autocomplete over those directories. Even with `sep = /`, and
>> manually checking that it is indeed laid out in that way.
> A wild and untested guess: maybe use another character?
> Best regards,
> Andreas

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