On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 12:47:03PM -0400, Xu Wang wrote:
> I am so used to using notmuch integrated into mutt (via mutt-kz), that
> I would like to be able to understand how someone does *not* use
> notmuch. How do you search for a certain message? Is it simply a
> matter of the following?
> 1. remember which folder it is in
> 2. change to that folder
> 3. use mutt's search

Just #2 and #3; I don't need to do #1 because my mail folders
basically group messages from logical groups of senders, and (at
least for my personal mail) there's never any crossover.  It's a
little more complicated for work mail, as there is some crossover...
But what I do in that case is use filters to make sure all relevant
folders get a copy.

I admit that's wasteful and annoying, but in the overwhelming majority
of cases the messages are small enough that I don't really care about
the extra copies.

$ df -h /home
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ubuntu-home  875G  198G  632G  24% /home

Got plenty of room for more. :)

> Further, what if you want all messages from Billy and those messages
> are spread across different folders. 

So, this basically never happens.  It's all about how you manage your
mail folders.

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