
I've been giving mutt a spin for the past few days. I like it quite a bit except for one issue I have been unable to solve: how to get the mailbox browser to properly display new message status.

Platform: Debian jessie running NeoMutt (latest from git but have tried mutt from official repo with same result)

Use case: I have two IMAP accounts I'm accessing. I have tried using mutt's built-in IMAP functionality as well as using mbsync to sync to local maildir and mutt to access that. Both ways work fine except for the issue described below.

Expected behavior: When I switch to mailbox browser view (<c><?><Tab>) or start in browser view ("mutt -y") I expect to see a new message indicator (for mbsync/maildir setup) or new message count (for IMAP setup) for each folder defined using "mailboxes". The status should be updated whenever mutt checks for new mail.

Observed behavior: Most of the time the indicators are empty or zero regardless of new mail status. Using IMAP directly, the new message count will be correct for a given mailbox after viewing it and returning to the browser view, but will be "forgotten" after two or more other mailboxes are visited. Using the mbsync/maildir setup, the only time the "N" status indicator is set is when there is new mail present when starting as "mutt -y" - it never appears in response to new mail received after mutt is started, regardless of what I try. I should note that new mail behavior from within index view works fine - the message appears (along with a note in the status bar) shortly after the mail actually arrives on the server with no action necessary on my part.

What I've tried: Turning on and off various combinations of settings that my manual/mailing list/interwebs searches have suggested might be relevant: "timeout", "mail_check", "imap_passive", "imap_idle". Is my expected behavior incorrect? My apologies if this has been answered already, but I've spent a lot of time searching for previous solutions and testing more setups than I can remember and nothing has solved my own situation. Does this "just work" for others? If so, can anyone share a .muttrc MWE? I'd love to start using mutt more extensively but this has been a significant stumbling block.

Thanks for any help.


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