Hi Jethro,

Are you sitting on a park bench? ;-)

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 07:47:35PM +0000, Jethro Tull wrote:
> sometimes while composing I could spontaneously need to put all or part of
> another email or many others.

There's simply no GOOD way to programmatically do what you're asking.
When you're already composing, you're in your editor.  It doesn't know
any of the things Mutt knows about your mail, and there's no way to
effect communication between the running instances of your editor and
Mutt.  All communication happens via a temporary file, at both
external edges of your editor session.

As a workaround, you can do the following: 

  1. postpone your current message 
  2. reply to the message that you want to INCLUDE in your postponed
     message (so that it gets properly quoted for reply)
  3. From your editor, write the reply out to a temporary file somewhere
  4. Quit that reply
  5. Resume your postponed message
  6. From your editor, read in the temporary file at the location in
     the message where you want it.

I think that's about the best you're going to get.

> So I could save and close the current composition, then from that point I 
> would
> need to browse my emails and edit the ones I want to select what I want and
> dump the selection into the email I was composing before without a copy/paste
> process which would complicate things if I need the content of many emails. 

Mutt can ALMOST do this... but they would all need to be in the same
folder, and your postponed message (generally) won't be.  If you had
multiple messages you want to include, the steps are similar but
slightly different from the above:

  1. write your current message to a temp file, then abandon it
  2. tag and reply to all of the messages you wanted to include,
     creating a brand new reply that contains all of them
  3. Read in the temporary file


Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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