On 08.11.16 19:47, Simon Ruderich wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 10:28:46AM +0100, nfb wrote:
> > Oh thank you all guys for your answers. Let me practice what i
> > learnt then... this kinda seems the appropriate use case too :)
> In this case it was "problematic" for me, because I didn't notice
> that you answered my mail as well, as mutt didn't show this
> message as reply to my mail.

Ah, that's a disappointment. I had hoped for:

On 08.11.16 23:57, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Here it was displayed as a reply to my post. If Cameron and Simon's
> mutts display it under their post, then mutt is doing very well indeed.
> (Convenience is maximised, and confusion is negligible - within a
> thread.)

But locally originated Message-Ids are not easily identified without
adding a cache. And how long would you keep it? (It could be done with a
procmail rule checking for "<My Name> wrote:" in the body, but that
relies on the sender not fiddling with attribution.)

What I've done here, to make it non-problematic for Simon, despite
quoting two posts, is delete my Message-Id from the In-Reply-To
header, made easy by having edit_headers set, with some header weeding.
Admittedly that wouldn't have worked for my earlier triple reply.


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