mutt version 1.6.1 
i'm trying to set mutt to give threads a specific colour. here's my
colours configuration for the index pane:

    # Colours for items in the index
    # collapsed thread with no New or Flagged
    color  index       yellow        black "~v~(!~N)~(!~F)"
    # collapsed thread with Flagged but no New
    color  index       red           black "~v~(~F)~(!~N)"
    # collapsed thread with New
    color  index       green         black "~v~(~N)"
    color index brightcyan    black  ~N
    color index magenta       black  ~O
    color index brightyellow  black  ~F
    color index black         green  ~T
    color index brightred     black  ~D
    #color index brightred     black  ~(~U)
    # colour definitions when on a mono screen
    mono  index bold          ~n
    mono  index bold          ~f
    mono  index bold          ~t
    mono  index bold          ~d

all colour settings except those related to eithet ~v or ~() are not working.
The one related to ~(~U), which is commented is colouring messages with either
"O" or "N" flags whether or not they are part of a thread. 
For all the settings that seem to not work I tested them even individually by
commenting all others related to colours.

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