* On 31 Jan 2017, Patrick Shanahan wrote: 
> * David Champion <d...@bikeshed.us> [01-31-17 19:31]:
> > * On 31 Jan 2017, Andreas Doll wrote: 
> > > 
> > > I write emails using vim, which provides the handy function gggqG. This
> > > function reformats text such that it doesn't exceed (say) 72 characters. 
> > > The
> > > function is superior to e.g.
> > > 
> > >     $ fold -s -w 72 inputFile
> > 
> > par is superior to all other text reformatters.
> > set display_filter="env PARINIT='rT4bgq B=.,?!_A_a Q=_s>|+' par"
> Your display_filter mangles display of the headers.  How to avoid this?

Yeah, I don't actually use this.  I suppose vim would do the same,

The avoidance trick would be something akin to:


        # Read up to the first blank line unaltered
        while read line; do
                echo "$line"
                case "$line" in
                        '')     break;;

        # Pump the remainder through par
        par 'rT4bgq B=.,?!_A_a Q=_s>|+'

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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