El día miércoles, abril 26, 2017 a las 08:45:14a. m. +0200, steve escribió:

> Hello,
> As said in the subject, I have some issue with some attachment that I
> get when wanting to save them. For instance, I get this:
> ./=?iso-8859-1?Q?Convocation_et_Agenda_Comit=E9_Strat=E9gique_2017.04.02?==?iso-8859-1?Q?_-_V2.pdf?=
> We see that the 'é' became '=E9' and some more junk.
> Interestingly, I received other attachment from the same server (MS
> exchange) which don't show this behaviour.
> How can I solve this problem?


The =E9 is your letter 'é' in ISO 8859-1 hex code:

$ echo é | iconv -f utf-8 -t iso-8859-1 | od -tx1
0000000    e9  0a

and the chars at the beginning and end (=?iso-8859-1?Q?) is the
printable encapsulation of all non-ASCII chars in this file name string;
so far so good; what I also do not understand is, why does not mutt do
the translation to correct ISO 8859-1 chars when storing the file to
disk? I'm facing the same problem with my printer/scanner which send
attachments as:

  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?utf-8?Q?scan.pdf?="

and mutt is unwilling to save the file as just 'scan.pdf' (in this case
the file name is even full ASCII, but encoded as printable utf-8.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 
Aus "Nie wieder Krieg!" wurde "Nie wieder Krieg ohne Deutschlands Truppen"
The "No wars anymore!" changed now to "No wars anymore without German battle 
El "¡Nunca jamás guerra!" ha cambiado a "¡Nunca jamás guerra sin tropas 

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