I use the following cron job on my server using doveadm running on the imap 
lrosenman:~ lrosenman$ ssh tbh.lerctr.org cat bin/archive-mail
#Expects to be run after midnight on the first of the month
#  to archive all the previous months mail
#Date Run:
TODAY=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
#last month in YYYY/MM
YEAR_LAST_MONTH=`date -v-1d "+%Y/%m"`
#1st of last month as 01-Mon-YYYY
FIRST_LAST_MONTH=`date -v-1d "+01-%b-%Y"`
echo 'TODAY=' ${TODAY}
# get a list of all the mailboxes with at least one real message
doveadm -f tab mailbox status vsize \* 2>/dev/null |
        sed -e 1d | sort -k 1,1 |
        awk  'BEGIN {FS="\t"} {if ($2 > 0)  print $1}' |
while read i
   echo `date` start ${i}
   doveadm mailbox create "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}"
   doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}"
   doveadm move "ARCHIVE/${YEAR_LAST_MONTH}/${i}" mailbox \
            "${i}" BEFORE ${TODAY} SINCE ${FIRST_LAST_MONTH}
   doveadm -f tab mailbox status messages "${i}"
   echo `date` done  ${i}
lrosenman:~ lrosenman$

Whether you can run on YOUR server, I do not know, but I've been running this 
script for ~1 year. 

Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640                 E-Mail: l...@lerctr.org
US Mail: 5708 Sabbia Drive, Round Rock, TX 78665-2106
On 10/8/17, 4:10 PM, "tech-lists" <owner-mutt-us...@mutt.org on behalf of 
tech-li...@zyxst.net> wrote:

    On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 03:56:35PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
    >On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 02:10:22PM +0100, tech-lists wrote:
    >> Hello mutt-users@
    >> I'm running mutt 1.9.1 (2017-09-22) on freebsd-11-stable.
    >> What I'd like to have is, when mutt loads, it scans its subscribed
    >> folders and moves the mail based on date received into preconfigured
    >> mail folders. Either that, or maybe run another standalone program in a
    >> screen or cron that does the same. I don't want to "download" the mail
    >> at this stage - it needs to be moved around on the remote server.
    >> Can mutt do this, or is there another program that does this with imap4?
    >If your IMAP server supports SIEVE, that is the easiest way to
    >get this done. Sorting will happen at delivery time.
    Hi, sorry for the late reply
    The reason I can't use SIEVE is because SIEVE rules act at delivery time
    only. By delivery time, I mean the time they arrive on the imap server.
    What I want to happen is, for emails already in folders on the imap
    server, if they're over say 30 days old, for an automatic process to
    move them into an archive folder on the same server.

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