On 02Feb2018 10:45, Yubin Ruan <ablacktsh...@gmail.com> wrote:

I got three attachments in a mail, as shown in the attachment view:

   [multipart/alternative, 7bit, 97K]
   [text/plain, quoted, utf-8, 9.2K]
   [text/html, quoted, utf-8, 87K]

That's really 2 attachments. The text/plain and text/html parts are _enclosed by the multipart/alternative part, which exists to offer two or more choices which are meant to be equivalent.

After using the editor to view the whole email, it seems to me that the
[multipart/alternative] part is an alias for both the [text/plain] and
[text/html] part, because from what I have seen, there is no actual content in
the [multipart/alternative] part.

Yes, it is just an enclosure. In fact it is likely that the message itself is the multipart/alternative part, containing a text/plain and a text/html within it. But you can nest multipart sections if you need to.

the problem is, even though there are three attachments, only one is shown. I
already have a

   auto_view text/html

set in my .muttrc, yet the [text/html] is not shown (I can view the
[text/html] attachment in the attachment view, though ). AFAIK, mutt will try
to display all attachments automatically as long as it can be autoviewed. Is
there any configuration options I miss here?

Ah, no.

What you've got looks like this, structurally:

     some plain text ...
     some HTML text ...

The main text/ area is the "message" part. When mutt displays a message from a multipart/alternative section it chooses _one_ of the alternatives offers, and transcribes that to a plain text appearance using the rules from your mailcap settings (which may just be the system defaults).

A message with "attachments" comes with the type "multipart/mixed", indicating that it contains a mixture of parts, almost always a "message" part with the text and other parts being the zttachments, such as zip files. A mail message with attachments usually looks like this, structurally:

       some plain text ...
       some HTML text ...
     a JPEG image, suitably encoded
     a PDF file

and so forth.

So what you have is a plain text message with no "attachments". The mutt "attachement" menu shows you all the parts, but more conventional mail readers withn't present the text area as an "attachment".

Regarding your beleif that you're getting the text/plain presented, this may well be so. Your setting:

 auto_view text/html

is documented here:


It says that you know how to present text/html as plain text for viewing in the "pager" mutt view. It will look up a mailcap entry for "text/plain" which has the "copiousoutput" option. If you or your system doesn't have such an entry the "auto_view" setting is probably ignored. So mutt may be choosing the text/plain alternative because of this.

There is a system mailcap file and you can also have a personal $HOME/.mailcap file. Mine has this:

 text/html; exec 2>&1 && env DISPLAY= unhtml %s; copiousoutput

and "unhtml" is a script of mine which currently calls "lynx -stdin -dump", and used to run "w3m -dump -T text/html". So you could use:

 text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html; copiousoutput

to tell mutt how to present HTML as plain text.

Mutt needs such things because the pager presents plain text.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)

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