On 17Jul2018 21:53, ilf <i...@zeromail.org> wrote:
How do you handle attachments?

I confess I inline the ones which I can. PDF->text, images -> size and format info, etc.

Currently, I use "auto_view text/html" and "implicit_autoview" with mailcap. However, I would like to not display attachments via mailcap automatically on opening a mail, but only after pressing another key. (Never trust attachments…)

Is there any way one could implement this in mutt currently? Maybe with some kind of macro?

Well, you could keep 2 mailcaps, one lacking the unwanted entries. Have a macro to switch between them. You can probably write a simple sed or awk script to comute the stripped one from the full one, and keep it up to date with "make".

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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