On Jul 20, 2018 um 16:50:42, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> I'm using 
> spam "^X-Spam: Yes" "SPAM"
> set index_format="%H %4C %Z %D %-15.15L %s"
> to display spammy mails in the index. But how can I tag those spammy
> mails? Which pattern do I have to use?

Hello Ralf,

from the mutt manual:

3.1. Pattern Modifier

Many of Mutt's commands allow you to specify a pattern to match (limit,
tag-pattern, delete-pattern, etc.). Table 4.4, “Pattern modifiers” shows
several ways to select messages.

Table 4.4. Pattern modifiers


~H EXPR   │messages with a spam attribute matching EXPR


Hth Michael

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