On 10/5/18, Timothy Rice <timothy.r...@unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> I think what you are asking is, if the To: field matches a particular
> pattern, then can the CC: field by populated automatically?

No, Timothy :)

As I've said in my initial question, "I can't add them blindly or
always". I just want to be reminded (in some way) to include Z and Y
if my email is addressed to X.

I don't really know if it's possible (probably, not) but I imagine it this way:

OPTION A) Upon leaving the editor and coming back to Mutt, to its
Compose section (this one: https://i.imgur.com/cjqMrl3.png), Mutt
notices Person X in the To: field and launches an external script (I
assume there is no internal command to echo some message to the status
line or some text popup, right?).

OR OPTION B) As soon as I press Reply to an email from Person X
(before entering the editor), Mutt launches an external script (I
probably can create a macro like "!my-alert-script Add Y,
Z<Enter><mail>x<Enter>" for composing a new email, but what about

I hope it's a bit clearer now :)

And thanks for your help and interest anyway :).


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