On 30Sep2018 23:40, David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> wrote:
Perhaps I could add terminfo entry in screenrc especially for mutt
that removes the init and reset strings. Not sure if it's possible on
an app-by-app basis though.

You can certainly make customised terminfo entries; I keep a few around myself. As with termcap, you can make entries based on other entries, so it would be trivial to make a special one like your console terminfo but with modified init strings.

You have 2 routes for per-app use of these: give your terminfo a special name and set $TERM, or change the value of $TERMINFO to find your entry in preference to the system default.

"man 5 terminfo" has useful information in the "Fetching Compiled Descriptions" section.

You could invoke mutt via a wrapper which modified the terminfo envars if it know it was running on the Linux console. (Not so easy from within screen of course.) Or of course just routinely use a particular terminfo entry inside screen, since it is entriely divorced from the physical terminal screen is using as a display.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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