On Thursday 28 March 2019 13:24,
Max Görner <m...@familie-goerner.eu> put forth the proposition:
> Hello,
> I am a very pleased Mutt user for several years now. However, I would love to
> have a threading similar to GMail, showing send and received messages in the
> same thread.
> I wonder whether one could just configure mutt such as to save all send
> messages to Inbox again. Of course, that would clutter the inbox severely, but
>  a) I have a hook limiting the view to ~(~N|~F) already
>  b) the cluttering might be counteracted by Mutt's threading capabilities.
> Could some readers of this list please share their opinion/experiences with
> me? I am tempted to just try out, but I am also a bit afraid of bad
> consequences.

The way I do this is to set record=^ in ~/.muttrc so it saves in the
same folder that the message was created and sent from:

set record=^

And a hook which also has the setting in the sourced file:

folder-hook .* source ~/.mutt/default

Then I have other hooks when I want to use a different folder -
mailing list messages get saved in =Sent, since the original message
will go to the list folder anyway:

folder-hook =Lists/* source ~/.mutt/listhook


set record="=Sent"

That way I can have things in various folders for family, friends



> Sincerely
> Max Görner


All I ask of life is a constant and exaggerated sense of my own

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