On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 08:59:36PM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 03Jan2020 09:32, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
> > I'll do some more tracing and see if I can see mutt working hard in
> > any of the more obvious places.  Maybe if I hit keys as fast as I can
> > so that the waiting for character read() doesn't see any delay I might
> > be able to see where the time goes.
> Matthias suggested this:
>    strace -o tr -tt  mutt ....
> If you want less log to deal with you can strace a process from outside:
>    strace -o tr -tt -p pid-of-mutt
> That would let you fire it up just before the action (change mailbox) which
> you know contains the delay. Might get you a better targeted log.
Yes, that's a good idea, thank you.

Chris Green

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