On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 06:28:55PM -0500, Sven Semmler wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 09:46:48PM -0500, David Engel wrote:
> > I've since written a filter to preprocess the HTML and remove the
> > extra formatting before passing it to w3m.  The traditional PGP coming
> > out of w3m is now properly formatted.  Alas, Mutt doesn't recognize it
> > and automatically decrypt it.
> I wonder if you could just forward that sanitized block to yourself as
> plain-text ... then mutt should deal with it just fine?
> It would add 2-3 keystrokes and be miles away from elegant ... but if it
> works until you find a better solution...

I tried that and Mutt forwards the original email in tact.  Unless
there's another forward command that sends the decoded text (I didn't
find ont), I don't think it will work.

David Engel

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