Kevin J. McCarthy <> [200715 08:28]:
> Have you checked the access time vs modification time of those mailboxes?
> Capture them before and after procmail, and then launching Mutt.  See if
> this gives any clues.

Can you describe the algorithm how to determine if a mbox file has new
mails? Is this only done based on timestamps? What happens if other programs
access mbox files? For example, what if some Kubuntu desktop search also
reads those files?

Following situation this morning:

- machine freshly started
- mutt not running
- running procmail
- new mails in 3 files:
        o spool inbox
        o Mail/L-file1
        o Mail/L-file2
- me waiting 10 seconds after procmail completed
- opening mutt (defaults to spool inbox)
- mutt doesn't show any other unread folders (expected: L-file1, L-file2)

Here the output of stat before opening mutt:

╭─steinchen@steinchen ~
╰─$ stat Mail/L-file1
  Datei: Mail/L-file1
  Größe: 45266944       Blöcke: 88424      EA Block: 4096   Normale Datei
Gerät: 801h/2049d       Inode: 1978935     Verknüpfungen: 1
Zugriff: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/steinchen)   Gid: ( 1000/steinchen)
Zugriff    : 2020-07-16 08:36:57.869739259 +0200
Modifiziert: 2020-07-16 08:36:37.909074114 +0200
Geändert   : 2020-07-16 08:36:37.909074114 +0200
 Geburt    : -
╭─steinchen@steinchen ~
╰─$ stat Mail/L-file2
  Datei: Mail/L-file2
  Größe: 10009245       Blöcke: 19560      EA Block: 4096   Normale Datei
Gerät: 801h/2049d       Inode: 1978682     Verknüpfungen: 1
Zugriff: (0600/-rw-------)  Uid: ( 1000/steinchen)   Gid: ( 1000/steinchen)
Zugriff    : 2020-07-16 08:36:57.805727843 +0200
Modifiziert: 2020-07-16 08:36:37.688061706 +0200
Geändert   : 2020-07-16 08:36:37.688061706 +0200
 Geburt    : -

So we can see that modification date (Modifiziert and Geändert) are set, but
also access (Zugriff) time before opening mutt. For L-file1, access time is
BEFORE modification and in case of L-file2 the file was accessed AFTER it
was modified.

So my conclusion would be that just based on those timestamps, mutt can't
determine anything. But I guess mutt is keeping it's own last access time
somewhere in those .L-file1.index and .L-file.index.ids files.

I've now disabled Kubuntu desktop search, but not sure if this is the cause.


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