On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 02:52:00PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2020-08-25 15:37, Kurt Hackenberg wrote:
> > >To: "'David Eyre'" <mrl...@gmail.com>,
> > >   "'ixion'" <ix...@ixion.org.uk>
> > ...
> > >List-Post: <mailto:ix...@ixiemaster.ixion.org.uk>
> > 
> > Two different addresses for the list.  Which one is correct?
> > 
> > Do all messages from the list have this mismatch, or only messages
> > from this sender?  If all of them, I suspect misconfiguration of the
> > mailing list software.  If only those from this sender, I suspect that
> > he has an incorrect list address stored locally.
> I am on a few lists that behave like this. I think they might be rather
> more common than you suspect. But, I have never had a problem posting -
> list reply always uses only the address in List-Post. (I use neomutt,
> maybe it is different in this respect?)
Do you have both 'list' addresses in the lists and subscribe entries
in muttrc?  If the List-Post: entry was always present on my list then
I could remove the other from lists/subscribe, but it isn't always

It would be easy if List-Post: was always present and the other was
sometimes there.

Chris Green

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