
On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 09:01:03AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
A way to check this would be to have another window open running:

   strace -p pid-of-idle-mutt-process

Get that ready. Wait for idleness. Resume. See where it stalls.

If that is hard to observe interactively, strace has options for
including timestamps in the trace output, you could do the resume and
then scroll back looking for the stall in the timestamps.

Unfortunately strace (do you mean devel/strace) appears to be broken:

root@rpi4:/usr/ports/devel/strace# make
===>  strace-4.5.18_1 is marked as broken: Uses procfs-based process debugging.
*** Error code 1

Is there an equivalent tool?


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