----- Forwarded message from Bhaskar Chowdhury <unixbhas...@gmail.com> -----

 Kindly throw some light.

Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 09:41:28 +0530
From: Bhaskar Chowdhury <unixbhas...@gmail.com>
To: ke...@8t8.us
Subject: Notify-send pop up for specific mails

Hey Kevin,

I was wondering and hovering through the manual pages ,it failed to come to
eyes, so asking you ..

I have a line like this in my muttrc :

  set new_mail_command="notify-send --icon='/home/bhaskar/Pictures/neomutt.png'
    1 'New Emails' '%n new messages, %u unread.' &"

    The problem it pops up for every new mail arrive. All I need to know about
    when I am in the TO or CC field or received mail from some specific
    individuals, then only the notify send pop up.

    Any clue? I saw some rexexes but couldn't figure out how to apply them.
    More over is there any "in-built" way of getting that??


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