On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 03:06:18PM +0200, Fourhundred Thecat <400the...@gmx.ch> 

> Hello,
> how can I completely disable gpg integration in mutt ?
> If message happens to be encrypted, I would like mutt to simply show me
> the source (encrypted).
> I thought, I don't have gpg configured, but when I wanted to compose new
> message, this happened:
>   Recall postponed message? ([yes]/no):
>   Enter PGP passphrase:
>   Decryption failed.
> I don't know how that happened. I am using gpg on the same account, but
> through Thunderbird client. I have Thunderbird set up locally on my
> laptop with gpg, and I am using mutt to read messages remotely on the
> server. That is why I don't want to use gpg in mutt, so that I don't
> have to type my password on the remote server.
> anyway,
> how can I use mutt unaware of gpg ?
> thanks,

I found putting this in my ~/.muttrc helpful when gpgme was
turned on in the default system-wide debian config for mutt:

  set crypt_use_gpgme = no


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