On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 03:13:34PM +0000, Joel Buckley wrote:
> control-g is the default "escape" sequence in Mutt. From the manual:
> > ^G is the generic “abort” key in Mutt. In addition to the line
> > editor, it can also be used to abort prompts. Generally, typing ^G
> > at a confirmation prompt or line editor should abort the entire
> > action.

Awesome! There is a way to do it.

I'm using Mutt v1.13.2 on Ubuntu 20.04, so my version is a bit old. The
manual on my box does not have this section. There is a table showing
that ^G -> abort, but I missed it when searching for it earlier.

> According to this link, it is not possible to re-bind the ^g
> operation...

Well, fooey. I'll just have to get in the habit of using ^G. :)

Many thanks!


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